Embryo Guarantee

Leading IVF clinic in Western Europe

Ovoria Egg Donor Bank helps couples who are struggling with infertility problems for years by elaborating an accurate  guarantee system on verified donor oocytes. The recipients can book the oocytes by filling in the registration form on the website. Moreover, Ovoria Egg Bank gives the opportunity to book oocytes for the period from 1 month till 5 years with the highest standards of cryo conservation. 

How Do Ovoria Egg Donor Guarantee Programs Work?

The journey of being pregnant has to be full of joy and pleasant experiences. This journey starts from the very first positive sign, two pink lines in a pregnancy test kit. Though it should be a joyful experience for every parent to have and bring up a child, 1 of 8 couples have problems with conceiving; they are termed infertile. Infertility brings disappointment and sadness to the whole family.

Ovoria Donor Egg Program

In this case, if the couple is trying to conceive for more than a few months, it is better  to consider ART. Thanks to this technology, there are many opportunities for addressing infertility issues. One of them is egg donation (the process when a woman donates eggs to enable another woman to conceive). Generally, this type of treatment involves In Vitro Fertilization technology with fresh or frozen eggs.

To help with struggling with infertility problems, Ovoria Egg Bank has elaborated a guarantee system on vitrified donor oocytes. That means we guarantee an 80% survival rate for the set of 6 oocytes. 2 embryos are guaranteed for the group of 8 oocytes and three embryos for 12 oocytes, respectively.

To qualify this system, we follow such criteria as:

  • semen parameters require > 5 million total motile sperm with a 2% or higher morphology. The sperm will be checked at the time of egg warming/sperm to verify that it meets the required criteria
  • no surgical procedures that require MESA, TESE or TESA

Guarantee, on Each Cohort of Eggs



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