In vitro fertilisation (IVF)

The highest success rates in Europe

Personalised IVF and Egg donation Programs

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WHAT IS IVF (In vitro fertilisation)?

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is not only a method of fertility treatment, but a real chance for the majority of infertile couples and people with a number of hereditary diseases to have their own child.


There are many indications for IVF and they are quite diverse, same as causes of infertility. In addition, this treatment method helps to overcome problems associated with a number of hereditary diseases and solves social issues that become more and more urgent from year to year! It is difficult to decide on participation in the program without special knowledge in this field. That is why your way to the cherished goal should start with a professional advice of a gynaecologist, a fertility specialist.


Getting primary consultation is possible at any time and you can choose an appropriate form either by visiting our clinic or via Skype. To appoint a meeting, simply email us and our medical coordinators will contact you to gather information needed to organize a consultation and answer any questions of their competence you might have. We will accompany and support you throughout the program to make this complicated process clear, easy and joyful, because we believe that only this way magic of a new life happens! After initial consultation our fertility specialist decides whether to conduct the IVF program, determines further examination plan, if required and a stimulation program. The latter is agreed with you by date and is tied to the period.


At the beginning of the treatment program the following overwievs the following overviews and analyses:

Tests for women:

  • blood group determination and Rh-factor
  • complete blood count
  • coagulogram
  • general urogenital swab
  • cell smear from uterine cervix (PAP-test)
  • bacterial inoculation and antibiogram
  • DNA-diagnostics of urogenital infections (gonorrhoea, trichomoniasis, chlamidiosis)
  • qualitative ureaplasma and mycoplasma analysis (DUO), at causative agent detection – antibiotic sensitivity determination (2SIR)
  • hepatitis B blood test (HВsAg)
  • hepatitis C blood test (common antibodies)
  • syphilis blood test (TPHA, VDRL), RW
  • HIV blood test
  • TORCH-infection blood test
  • AMH – anti-Mullerian hormone
  • USD for the breast (or mammography)
  • consultations with psychologist, physician

Tests for men:

  • hepatitis B blood test (HВsAg)
  • hepatitis C blood test (common antibodies)
  • syphilis blood test (TPHA, VDRL), RW
  • HIV blood test
  • spermogram
  • consultations with urologist

Download the List of examinations


The next stage is to stimulate the growth of follicles, prepared for one given period by means of medical drugs. This process is controlled by a number of blood tests and an ultrasound. Previously we will tell you about the medicines, daily dosage, form and schedule of administration in advance. Scheme of the treatment called in IVF programs "Stimulation protocol" is chosen individually for you. Your "response" to the stimulation is evaluated by size of follicles and hormone levels. According to these parameters, daily dosage of stimulation drugs is adjusted and, on reach of certain follicles dimensions we make prescription for a drug that provides final maturation of eggs. In 35-36 hours after its administration comes the next stage.


This procedure is carried out at our clinic and is an ovary puncture through vaginal wall with a thin needle under the ultrasound guidance in conditions of sedation and analgesia. The procedure takes about 10-20 minutes. Resulting follicular fluid is collected and transferred by us to the laboratory where embryologists identify eggs under a microscope and retrieve them.


The next step does not require your participation at all. Fertilization and cultivation of already fertilized eggs lasts from 3 to 6 days, depending on the recommendations of the embryologist, and meanwhile we are prepare the transfer of children.


On the day of embryo transfer, considering summary of embryologist, you and your doctor decide on the number of embryos to be transferred, and the possibility of freezing the rest for future use. Procedure itself, as a rule, does not require anaesthesia and you are fully conscious. After passing the cervix with a thin catheter, we put your  future kids directly into your uterine cavity. 


There comes the easiest and at once the most complicated period, because before confirming pregnancy at least two weeks should to HCG test to prove it. Two long weeks of waiting…And we will be waiting together with you! And then we will wait for another 2 weeks for you to pass the ultrasonic diagnostics, if hCG test was positive, or the results or ultrasound, if you have already got home. And only then our IVF program will be completed!

Infertility Treatment Programs

Combined IVF with own and donor oocytes

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Double donation (IVF program with egg and sperm donors)

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